
Week review

After three weeks here in Edinburgh, I still love it. Although there are many things to do, on some days I enjoy just reading my book in the park or in a bookshop. In all the tours I did I learned a lot about the history of Scotland, even though some tours had nothing to do with history. The diversity of these tours surprised me. Whether it's a tour to the Highlands or a tour in the dungeons, every guide will tell you something about the history, but it's never the same. To all the people that are interested in the history of Scotland, some trips teach you more than a museum. 

I am still quite fond of school. Despite the fact that I have six lessons a day and school starts at 8.30 a.m., I have a lot of leisure time. My teachers and schoolmates are great. The only negative thing is that my friend from Poland went back home this weekend. 

Another thing that I admire are the Highlands. They are a divine beauty. In my opinion, nature is one of the most beautiful things on earth. If you like nature, you must visit the Highlands. The Lochs are pretty amazing themselves. Due to that, I'm really looking forward to going to the Highlands with my family the week after next week. 

The weather wasn't as good as last week. On some days it rained, but in the evenings the weather mostly turned better. I love the weather here. It isn't as torrid as it was back in Switzerland, but it isn't cold neither. Unsettled as it is, there is always a chance of sun, even if it looks impossible. This morning, for example, it started out cloudy and it looked like it's going to rain, and now there is no cloud left. But that doesn't suit everybody. One of my classmates from Spain hates the weather here. For him, it is too cold while a few degrees less wouldn't bother me.

I am already excited about my last week. There are still many things to do. Although I really enjoy my time here in Scotland, I am also looking forward to seeing my family again.