On Sunday we went to Arthur's seat. Around 10 a.m. I meat at the Waverly station(Princes street) with Sina (https://sinainscotland.jimdofree.com/) and Alice(my polish classmate). There we started walking towards Arthur's seat. Passing the Holyrood Palace towards the Holyrood park, we were already able to see our destination. Normally you can visit the Holyrood Palace but at the moment the queen is at her official summer residence, so that isn't possible. After 1 hour and 10 minutes, we reached the summit. There it was really windy and after some time it started raining. So we had to go down as fast as possible. We went another way down then up and at the end of our way down was a Loch (lake) and it stopped raining. There we made a little picknick, we brought some bread and muffins with us. But after some minutes it started raining again so we went to the bus stop and parted ways.